“Mexican-American actor Justin Zachary, the play’s heroin addicted protagonist - Mark Renton delivers Trainspotting’s rapid fire dialogue in a thick Scottish brogue that has to be seen and heard to be believed. He is reprising his role for the third time, and it’s no wonder why… It was a role he was born to play.”

— Xaque Gruber - Huffington Post

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“Zachary shines as the soul-searching junkie, wandering in and out of withdrawal as he attempts to break free and find a reason for living beyond smack. His powerful performance is both fascinating and uncomfortable to watch as he delves into the bowels (literally at times) of addiction. ”

— Brenna Smith - EDGE MAGAZINE

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“Justin Zachary is a theatrical force to be reckoned with. On stage for almost the entire show, he is the true backbone of the production. He gives a finally honed performance that always rings true.”


“Zachary takes on the role famously played by Ewan McGregor in the film adaptation with a performance that is equal parts hilarious, brazen, and vulnerable”

— Albert Tello - LIFE IN LA

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“…I like the low-key sci-fi elements, subtle and simple but just enough of an edge to make this a believable ‘near future’ story. Definitely worth a watch.”

— Alex Billington - FIRSTSHOWING.NET